Monday, August 4, 2014

New Studio Diary - Part 2

                                                                 Morning at the Studio

Our last post was quite a while ago, and since then, much has happened that would be considered "bad luck" by many, but I don't know that I agree.  One never knows when life is sparing you greater disaster by delaying you in the moment.  Our builder spent a few days in the hospital with his wife, who was suffering from an infection.  While he was occupied,  the AC units decided to die, just a few days before it would have been our cost to replace them.  

My dear husband - who really should be a sports agent.  He's that good at negotiating - got the landlord to foot most of the bill on new units. Our part of the cost will come out of our rent.  Awesome job.  Our plumbing is almost back in, and the dance rooms are almost ready to lay the flooring.  I can't wait for that part!  Our contractors are all nice, honest people who have been walking us through this process, and tolerating our newbie status.
This build out is changing our perspectives, and, in the long run, uncomplicating our lives a little.  I'm using our wifi for this post! The excitement is growing as I see many new faces, new teachers, and new students.  To house it all in this wonderful new building is a dream I've had for four years. 
Dream to REALITY..... The AC guys laugh about the poor placement of the old unit, bigger ladders, problems with having to take apart part of the ceiling and the difficulties of getting the old unit out without destroying anything - I  take a deep breath.  I can smell the delicious breakfast scents wafting from the taqueria through the open back door.  

 It will all be worth it once the dancing begins.

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